My sponsors

OptimaData is a full-service, multi-platform data(base) service provider, specialised in open-source database management systems. They deliver all services connected to database management, such as consultancy, support, maintenance, monitoring, and training. Besides this, OptimaData provides staffing for both temporary and permanent IT capacity.

Surfcenter! The iconic surf shop in the north of the Netherlands, founded in 1976. And also live in the rest of Europe via  
Want to know who they are, what they do and where they dream about? Check their website!

Sponsor me to become an Olympic Champion

I need sponsors to pursue IQ windfoiling at a professional level. My goal is to compete in the Olympic Games in 2028 and 2032. An IQ foil youth set costs about 6,000 euros and I regularly need new sails and parts. I also need money for training and competitions abroad. I already have some sponsorships, but I am eager to expand and develop sponsorships. These could be in exchange of branded:

  • Sail stickers
  • Media coverage
  • Social media
  • Product placement
  • Testimonials
  • Website
  • Etc.

Please feel free to contact me to explore possibilities.